B and S hired me in the first trimester of their second pregnancy.  Their first baby was born in the hospital and they were desiring a different experience for this baby.

Prodromal labor hit at 36 weeks, and progressively kept building until the 39th week when B decided to start maternity leave so she could rest since the contractions were keeping her awake at night.

On 07/15/2016, B sent me a text about what she was feeling and decided she would text me in the morning and come over for a membrane sweep and see if we can get labor going.

B came over right before noon the next morning and we talked about a plan.  I sent B home with homeopathy to help encourage labor within the next few days.  I found B’s cervix to be 2cm dilated, 65% effaced and baby at a -1 station.  The cervix loosened some with the sweep.  We made a plan to stay in touch and if needed B could come back over the next day if she wanted.

Contractions changed, and B had mild, irregular contractions all night ranging from 4-10 minutes apart.  B decided to come by right before the monthly group prenatal that afternoon for another sweep.  B’s cervix was 2-3cm, 70% effaced and -1 station.  I swept her membranes, and made her an herbal tea blend of pregnancy tea, red raspberry leaf tea, black and blue cohosh and honey.  B said she was feeling some stronger contractions by time the group prenatal ended.

S called me at about 830pm saying B was concerned about some bleeding she was having.  They live close so I ran down to their house to check in.  B was rocking on her ball.  Her membranes seemed to be intact and the bloody show normal, and her cervix was now 3cm, 100% effaced and baby was at a 0 station.  A stressful situation had taken place just a little bit prior so B and I chatted and had a good cry to help her get back on track for her birth journey she wanted.  We discussed taking a shower and then going out for a walk.

I was so sure I was going to get called in the night.  A little after 4am I heard from B and she said the contractions kept on all night, 3-5 minutes apart, 30-45 seconds long and she wasn’t able to get much rest in between.  I told her to try and labor on her sides in the bed and see if she could get any rest in between and to keep in touch.

I did not hear back from her until about 715am.  She was able to get a little bit of rest in between contractions.  She wanted to be checked but did not think she had made change.  I suggested they come by my office for a change of scenery and I could do another sweep and round of herbal tea.

B and S arrived at 745am.  Contractions seemed to be coming every 6-8 minutes, but seemed much stronger in intensity.  I had B drink the herbal tea blend while sitting on the birth ball.  Then we did an exam.  There had been a great amount of change over night.  B’s cervix was 5-6cm dilated, 90% effaced and baby was at a 0 station.  Her cervix was very soft and stretchy and there was a small amount of bloody show on my glove.  I told B I didn’t think a sweep was necessary and was sure that the herbs would help kick things in officially.

Two hours later I arrived at B’s home.  When I arrived, I found her on her hands and knees, S providing counter pressure.  B told me she felt like her body was pushing down some with contractions.  Contractions were coming every 3 minutes, lasting 60 seconds and seemed strong in intensity.  Brittney 3We started filling the birth pool so it would be ready for her.

B alternated walking around the house and sitting while the birth pool filled.  She was very cheerful in between contractions, and serious when a wave came over her.  The pool was filled and at a perfect temperature at 1020am and B readily got into the warm, comforting birth pool.  She alternated between sitting and kneeling, whatever felt good in that moment.  She snacked on frozen strawberries in between contractions.

B stated she felt a pop at 1043am and thought it was her membranes.  PushingBaby sounded great, and the pressure intensified for B.  She got into hands and knees position in the pool and began spontaneously pushing at the peak of contractions.  I did an exam at 1053 and B was 9.5 cm/100% effaced/+1 station.  B decided she would like to blow through a few contractions and allow the lip to melt over the baby’s head.

A little after 11am, B moved into a semi reclining position, blowing gently through labor waves.  It soon became harder to blow away and at 1120am B’s body was bearing down at the peak of the contractions.

B exclaimed that she felt burning at 1126am and began to spontaneously bear down with labor waves.  He is here!Five minutes later the head was on the perineum.  Things got intense and I talked with B about keeping her bottom in the water.  The next minute the head began to crown and was born.  B slowed her breathing and allowed the baby to have minute to rotate before the next wave came and brought him earth side and into his mama’s waiting arms!

Welcome to the world Raiden, born earthside on July 18, 2016 at 1133am, weighing in at 9lbs 4ozs, 19.75 inches long.  It was such an honor to support this awesome lady through her gentle, peaceful home water birth.  <3
