What an incredible year I have had with so many wonderful couples! I am blessed to have served 37 couples this year.
Love each and every one of these couples and precious babies, and honored they chose A Sacred Journey Midwifery Services PLLC to help them through this journey.
My clients this year have been so wonderfully flexible with recurrent appointment reschedules due to my personal journey going through IVF in 2017.
Like every year, I am sent the best clients to work with! Here are the stats for 2017:
Total Births: 38 (one set of twins in the hospital!)
Boys: 27 (71%)
Girls: 11 (29%)
Most Births in a Day: 2
Biggest Baby: 10lbs, 2ozs
Smallest Baby: 5lbs, 12ozs
Longest Baby: 22″
Shortest Baby: 18″
Longest Labor: 32 hours, 14 minutes
Shortest Labor: 45 minutes (several other with labors around 60 minutes!!)
Vaginal Births: 35 (92%)
Cesarean Births: 3 (8%)
VBACs: 8 out of 8 total clients planning a VBAC achieved their VBAC (100%)
First Time Clients Served: 10 (26%) ‘
Repeat Clients Served: 10 (26%)
Water Births: 15 (39%)
Labored in the Water: 33 (87%)
Used a Doula: 19 (50%)
Breastfeeding at 6 Weeks Postpartum: 38 (100%)
Labor Started With SROM: 2 (5%)
Earliest to Deliver: 38.0 weeks
Latest to Deliver: 41.4 weeks
I have 15 clients for 2018, as well as expecting my own little blessing in July!
Looking forward to seeing what lessons are learned and blessings are had for 2018.