Month / May 2016

As soon as you think you are in labor, or notice any change at all, give me a call and I will gauge where you are in you labor. I can come over and check you and I can always leave if you feel like you would like some more time with your husband and […]

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You can invite anyone you like to your homebirth. There will be people who will be anxious to attend when told that you are planning a home birth. Do not feel obligated towards such people unless your reason for having them is that you need their love and support. Birth is not a party time! […]

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Your midwife will bring all the medical equipment needed to the birth, as well as sterile instruments. Your birth kit will also contain sterile supplies, such as gloves, etc.

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Great care will be taken to keep the mess to a minimum. Plastic drop cloths or shower curtains are placed on the bed and floor around the birthing area. You are not required to clean up after yourself. Your midwife and her assistants will clean up everything.

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That is totally up to you. You may prefer to sit on the bed or on the floor, to stand up or squat down, to kneel or lay on your side. You can get in and out of the tub for a water birth in Houston, or sit on the birthing stool. One marvelous thing […]

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