Month / June 2015

Birth Story of Jane

A and T started care with me in the first trimester of their second pregnancy.  A’s first birth was a hospital induction and she was wanting a better experience. In the last few days before A’s due date, contractions began to pick up and come on more regularly.  Prodromal labor was in high gear! On […]

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Birth Story of Khaleesi

M and C started care with me at the start of the second trimester of their first pregnancy.  M’s mom had had home births and when M found out she was pregnant, it was only natural she followed that route.  M and C soon started childbirth classes and found a doula, and were well prepared […]

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Birth Story of Mercy

L and D began care with me near the end of the second trimester of their first pregnancy.  They were taking Bradley classes and felt they couldn’t have the birth they truly wanted in the hospital setting. L came to see me on April 29, 2015 at 39.4 weeks for her regular appointment.  She had […]

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