I met with A & T a couple months before their due date. They were really want the best chance for A to have a VBAC. They did not want to transfer to a doctor and get cornered into a repeat cesarean without getting to try everything to get the baby out vaginally. A’s pregnancy […]
Month / April 2013

C had recently moved to the states from Canada when she found out she was pregnant. For years, C and D struggled with getting pregnant. After getting pregnant the first two times using fertility treatments, baby 3 and 4 followed naturally. Needless to say, everything was a shock. C had a history of precipitous deliveries. […]

I met J and K at the 2012 Houston B.I.R.T.H. fair. (Don’t know what that is? Check it out. www.houbirth.org) We talked for quite awhile. They moved here recently and were looking for a midwife that would be okay with their wants for their pregnancy and birth and that they connected with. We met again […]