Photo taken by the lovely Abby Camarata of Bump 2 Baby Birth Photography. L and B began care with me in the beginning of their pregnancy. L had a birth center delivery with her oldest, and was desiring a home birth for this birth. This sweet little baby was team green, and everyone was excited […]
Month / January 2014

T and G began their care with me near the end of the first trimester. The first time meeting them you could see the wealth of knowledge and excitement that they had about welcoming their first baby into the world. T’s pregnancy progressed beautifully. She researched every decision, took hypnobirthing and arranged a doula for […]

One year ago today, Jaya was welcomed earthside. Here is her story from her mama: It’s funny how we can spend so much time planning and imagining every detail of a long awaited moment… But when it comes down to it, it happens exactly the way it’s supposed to. Since before we even conceived Jaya, […]