S and S hired me in the second trimester of their sixth pregnancy. S had been unhappy with the treatment she had received in care providers, and was desiring a VBA2C, as her last two deliveries had been via cesarean. S’s pregnancy progressed on beautifully. She knew she had a potential history of going a […]
Category / VBAC
M and G started care with me in the first trimester of their third pregnancy. M had previously used A Sacred Journey Midwifery Services for her previous delivery, and was excited to be planning another home birth. You can read about her first homebirth here. M’s pregnancy was a bit harder than previous pregnancies between […]
S and R started care with me in the second trimester of their third pregnancy. S had previously experienced two cesareans in her birthing history, and was excitedly planning a VBAC for this baby. S’s pregnancy progressed along normally. Four days before her estimated due date, S’s water broke at 830pm. Since everything was reported […]